Free Family Art Kits

gallupARTS’ Free Family Art Kit program developed in response to Covid. From 2020 – 2022, 3,250 kits designed by 7 local artists were provided to 1,000+ families through three rounds of distributions.
While kit distributions have ended, this webpage provides a complete project inventory.
Browse projects, find supply lists, download written instructions, and link to video tutorials below.
Round 1: July – December 2020
1,400 distributed to 450+ families.
Funding provided by the WESTAF CARES Relief Fund for Organizations and supported by the National Endowment for the Arts through CARES Act of 2020.
Round 2: April – June 2021
950 kits distributed to 500+ families.
Funding provided by New Mexico Arts.
Round 3: March – May 2022
900 kits distributed to 450+ families.
Funding provided by New Mexico Arts.
Project Inventory:
July 2020: Salt Painting Kit
Learn how to create a sandpainting-esque artwork using glue, salt and watercolor paint. Then, let your creativity shine! Create landscapes, abstracts, still lifes—whatever you can imagine.
August 2020: Spin a Yarn Kit
Create turtles, butterflies or animals of your own invention from colorful yarn and popsicle sticks.
September 2020: Harvest Time Kit
Make jumbo paper flowers and rain-sticks from recycled materials, tissue paper, and beads.
October 2020: Happy Halloween Kit
What creature can you turn a paper plate into with just scissors, markers and glue? A lion, an alien, a ladybug, a cow? Make your own mask and also sculpt and paint a silly or scary clay monster.
November 2020: Pipe Cleaner Magic Kit
Discover the magic of pipe cleaners. Twist them into beautiful beaded ears of corn and flower rings.
December 2020: Winter Fun Kit
Celebrate the season with miniature hot air balloons (in honor of the Red Rock Balloon Rally) and pop-up and picture wheel holiday cards!
April 24, 2021: Rainbow Wall Hanging by Tasha N.
Create a personality-filled, happy-go-lucky rainbow wall hanging from a variety of types of paper.
Download the Rainbow Wall Hanging written instructions here.
View the video tutorial here.
May 29, 2021: Mini Accordion Book by Dana Aldis
Cut, fold and bind a mini accordion book to fill with poems, drawings, summer adventure stories, observations, and inspirational messages this spring!
Download the Mini Accordion Book written instructions here.
View the video tutorial here.
June 19: Activity Book + Father’s Day Cards by Mackenzie “Gents” Cheama
Zuni artist Mackenzie Cheama created a tattoo-style activity book for you color, cut and paste into a one-of-a-kind Father’s Day cards for the special datchu / shizhé’é / dad in your life–hand-lettering guide included!
Download the Father’s Day Card written instructions here.
View the video tutorial here.
March 5, 2022: Paint and Play with Texture by Jerry Brown and MB
Use unconventional painting tools to create a colorful, expressive and textural 5″ x 7″ canvas.
April 2: Make a Mobile by Tine Hayes